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Sell Proline Bluestop

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 1 June 2010 12:26 pm | Poster last visit: Tuesday 18 February 2014 |

Product Photo:

proline bluestop

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Product Description:

Sell proline bluestop


The agent is applied by by coating, spraying, dipping, soaking.



protection of fresh sawn-wood against wood-staining fungi and moulds.

Suitable for treatment of wood intended for transport and storage, when it is important that the surface of wood is not impaired aesthetically.


36 months


5 kg, 25 kg, 250 kg, 500 kg, 1000 kg or flaxibags

Company Contact:

RosBaltGrupa photo
Contact Name: Ms. Stanislava Grishanova
Company Name: RosBalt Grupa Holding
Email: Email
Tel: +371-67964388
Fax: +371-67962212
Street Address: Riga,
Unijas 25, LV-1039,
Website: http://www.rosbaltgrupa.lv
Member name: RosBaltGrupa
Country: Latvia-LV Latvia
Member Since: 07 October 2009
Total Leads: 97 RosBaltGrupa Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Chemicals, Building Chemicals
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