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Sell Reverse Rolled Slotted Wedge Wire Screens Or Wedge Wire Screen Cylinders Or Drum Screen

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 7 October 2009 9:16 am | Poster last visit: Wednesday 16 June 2010 |

Product Photo:

reverse rolled slotted wedge wire screens screen cylinders drum

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Product Description:

revolutionary reverse rolled wedge wire straining element is extremely rugged and more clog-resistant

than conventional strainer elements that use perforated plate or wire mesh screens.This proven state-of-the-art straining media is fabricated by wrapping vertical rods with wedge shaped profile wire. Each intersection of rod and wire is welded to produce an extremely rugged one-piece element. This forms a continuous slot that allows only two point contact with debris particles to reduce clogging.The reverse rolled slotted wedge wire screens provide continuous debris removal from fluid piping systems that demand full time uninterrupted flow and can operate through a wide range of positive operating pressure and solids loading with effective debris removal and back washing across the entire pressure range.Applications: Chemical generally, water applications including drinking and photographic use as well river water, sea water, beverage and food products, bright quenching and cutting fluids, plating solutions, oils and distillates, industrial liquids of every kind.Advantages:Maximum effective flow area and maximum operating efficiency are maintained throughout service life.

If you are interested in our products please feel free to contact us and your inquiry will meet with our careful attention.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Angela-liu
Company Name: Haixing Wedge Wire Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-318-7086205 or 86-318-7086816
Fax: 86-318-7086810
Street Address: No.2589 West Shengli
Road, Hengshui, Hebei, China
Website: http://www.wrt-belt.com
Website: http://www.wedgewires.com
Member name: wedge521
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 14 July 2009
Total Leads: 22 wedge521 Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Wedge Wire Screen, Water Well Screen, Oil Well Screen, Stainless Steel Screen, Sieve Bend Screen, Flat Panel Screen, Filter Strainer, Resin Trap, Dist
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