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Sell Separation Screens

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 28 August 2008 2:38 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 20 January 2015 |

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separation screens

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Product Description:

Separation screens


The SEPARATION screens are used on the vibratory screens for the

granulometric separation of products.


We can supply the SEPARATION screens that may be composed of square meshes in different types of weave (Metallic Weaving, Single Corrugation, Double Corrugation, Multiple Corrugation, Straight Corrugation, Plane Surface) depending on the characteristics of the screen required and the usage conditions. The panels are fabricated with pre-corrugated wire of diameter 0.5 to 6 mm. The wire may be in high strength steel, galvanised steel, stainless steel in different grades (302, 304 L, 316 L).

For combating the problems of anchoring and clogging, we propose a range of special grills: Corrugated Rectangular, Harphy, Straight Toothed, Anti-clog, Anti-clog S, Anti-clog SS and Toothed Vulcanised.

We can supply the following panels:

Meshes from 0.5 to 120 mm

For mounting on the vibratory screens, we can propose according to the screening surface, different types of fasteners for maintaining the tension of screens.

Company Contact:

julia122 photo
Contact Name: Miss. Julia Yuan
Company Name: Anping Web Wire Mesh Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Skype: juliamesh
Tel: +86031189255081
Fax: +86031189255081
Street Address: East Zone of Industry Park,
Anping, Hebei Province, China
Website: http://www.webwirecloth.com
Member name: julia122
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 03 April 2007
Total Leads: 104 julia122 Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stainless Steel Wire, Stainless Steel Wire Mesh, Copper Wire, Copper Wire Mesh, Galvanized Wire
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