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Super Open Permanent Mri System

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Friday 6 February 2009 5:25 pm | Poster last visit: Tuesday 14 July 2009 |

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Product Description:

MM 002 Super open permanent MRI system



􀁺 Advanced open type

magnet design

􀁺 Superior image quality

􀁺 Exceptional price-to-performance ratio

􀁺 Fast, convenient, and customized service

􀁺 Claustrophobic relief

The spacious design and minimal reverberation is comforting for claustrophobic, obese and physically challenged patients.

􀁺 Space saving couch design

The mobile patient couch is designed to

move freely in two directions around the

magnet. The laser localizer provides quick and accurate patient positioning.

􀁺 Superior image quality

Positioning specific anatomic regions in the center of the magnet ensures high quality images.

􀁺 Convenience of interventional therapy

Patients are very accepting of the openness of the design, making it ideal for interventional studies.

Specially patented magnet technology

􀁺 Superior magnetic material

Compact design of magnet with superior NdFeB material ensures high homogeneity.

􀁺 Eddy current free technology

Specialized eddy current reduction techniques produce high quality images.

􀁺 Integrated casting

Unique molding technologies eliminate vibration of the magnet, which can deteriorate the image quality.

􀁺 Temperature controlled system

Built in high precision temperature control system minimizes the impact of environmental fluctuations, simplifying the

installation requirements and reducing costs related to environmental comfort controls.

􀁺 Self-shielding technology

Self-shielding integrated in the system design greatly reduces the environmental and space requirements.

Offering a variety of coils to cover all application needs

􀁺 QD head and body coils increase SNR by 40% over conventional solenoid coils.

􀁺 Dedicated surface coils are available for optional scanning of specific anatomic regions.

􀁺 Small and large body coils are suitable for various anatomical sizes.

􀁺 Flat, extremity and breast coils offer high resolution imaging for different positions.

Sophisticated imaging techniques

􀁺 Spin Echo (SE)

High quality images meet all clinical needs.

􀁺 Fast Spin Echo (FSE)

With Fast Spin Echo, the acquisition time can be substantially reduced. By adjusting ETL and TE, the acquisition time

and image contrast can be easily changed.

􀁺 Field Echo (FE)

Fast acquisition of T1 and T2 weighted images.

􀁺 Hydro-imaging

MRU, MRM, and MRCP can be easily yielded with the non-invasive hydro-imaging technique.

􀁺 MR Angiography (MRA)

2D/3D Time of Flight MR Angiography with 3D dynamic display.

􀁺 Flair

Suppresses the water signal providing a clear image of the pathological changes in the white matter of the cerebral

ventricle; especially sensitive when viewing the microinfarct.

􀁺 Stir

Suppresses the fat signal and increases the contrast of the soft tissue signal, valuable for detecting small focus and

pathological changes.

􀁺 3D Scanning

Acquires data from a three-dimensional area, and produces a larger quantity of thin sliced images with a higher SNR

after 3D reconstruction; these images cn then be used in 3D processing and displaying technology.

􀁺 Multi-angle Multi Slices

Multi slices and multi angles in one single scan make the localization and scanning of the spine much easier.

􀁺 Fractional Echo

Fractional Echo technique shortens the echo time, increases T1 contrast and reduces the effects of T2. in the meantime, the number of slices is increased and the scanning time is decreased.

􀁺 Anti-aliasing

Frequency/phase over-sampling can reduce aliasing artifacts and obtain small FOV images of superb quality..

􀁺 Gated-scanning

ECG and respiratory gating can reduce motion artifacts caused by heartbeats and breathing.

􀁺 Multi-combination of Phase Encoding

For the critical and uncooperative patient, multiple combinations of Phase Encoding can minimize possible motion


􀁺 Multi-region pre-saturation

By selecting multi-regions to be pre-saturated, motion artifacts due to breathing and unwanted signals outside the

region of interest can be reduced.

􀁺 Flow compensation

Flow compensation reduces flow artifacts and improves the quality of spin echo images.

􀁺 Bandwidth optimization

Data Acquisition Optimization.

Advanced computer system

􀁺 Economical maintenance plan

The unparalleled value of the NAM-P023A computer system is made possible because of the efficient manufacturing

process. Users are able to maintain and upgrade their systems to cut maintenance costs.

􀁺 Ease of use

Knowledge off basic computer skills enables physicians to easily operate the Windows 2000 based operating system

and perform daily tasks.

􀁺 User-friendly Operation Interface

The software is designed to be highly efficient and human-friendly; ease of use and operation is controlled by a series

of mouse clicks.

􀁺 Simple scan control

Users can start a scan immediately by choosing a self-defined sequence or standard protocols; they can modify the

parameters before scanning or choose to scan continuously using a pre-selected series of sequences shorten scanning


􀁺 Powerful Image Display Functions

Image display functions include: real-time multiple image display, multi-sequence image contrast and multi-patient

case display, magnify, zoom, rotate, convert, move, combine, cut/paste and continuous windowing.

􀁺 Powerful Searching Function

Combined searching for up to 6 items and the sequence results can be queued at any time.

􀁺 Powerful Image Process Functions

Multi-measurement, Multi-annotation, ROI statistic, Cine display, MIP, MRP, and Image filtering software functions

are helpful when using images for clinical applications.

􀁺 Effective Filming Interface

Equipped with a DICOM compatible interface and allows for print preview, multi-format and multi-combination


Clinical applications

·Multi-directional imaging offers an abundance of spatial information and is useful in observing common anatomic and pathological


·Thin slice scanning presents a clear image of the pituitary stalk and body. Contrast scanning allows for homogeneous enhancements of the hypophysis, which can greatly increase the detection of small pathlolgic changes of pituitary.

·MRI scanning has the ability to show osteomyelitis of the tibia with multiple sequestrums and the surrounding edema; this is an effective method of distinguishing the difference between malignant versus benign tumors as well as determining the area of encroachment.

·Permanent magnet MRI systems can acquire clear abdominal images without the need for respiratory gates in addition to showing intrahepatic

vessels and bile ducts.

Spinal abnormalities

Scanning is more suitable when diagnosing abnormalities if there is a sharp signal contrast between the CSF, spinal cord, and the sagittal

plane of the intervertabral disc and ligament. During this application the flat spine coil is used to avoid respiratory artifacts and allows for clearer


Post-trauma anterior dislocation of cervical vertebra

MRI scanning shows the normal and continuous signals of the spinal canal and flections of the spinal cord in addition to malformations

Femoral head necrosis

Scanning is the most sensitive way to diagnose necrosis of femoral head.

Chiari malformations

Cerevellar tonsils extend down through the foramen magnum into upper portion of spinal canal which leads to syrinx.

Breast examinations

The high contrast of soft tissue is particularly useful in breast examinations.

Company Contact:

medimark photo
Contact Name: Ms Mandy Boonzaier
Company Name: Medimark Marketing
Email: Email
Tel: 0027218011995 or +27 (0)21 510 1995
Fax: 0027215102115
Street Address: 67 Coronation Road,
Maitland, 7405 Cape Town, South Africa
Website: https://www.medimark.co.za
Member name: medimark
Country: South Africa-ZA South Africa
Member Since: 05 February 2009
Total Leads: 286 medimark Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Ambulance, Mobile Clinic, Autoclave, Blood Pressure Monitor, Ecg, Ultrasound, Patient Monitor, Thermometer, Syringe, Surgical Gloves, Medical Supplies
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