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Tantalite Problem

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 1 July 2013 3:22 am | Poster last visit: Monday 16 December 2013 |

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tantalite problem

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Congo\'s political situation is unstable, mining area is located in the main habitat for endangered species

in the eastern lowlands of the gorilla. Rwanda, occupied the eastern Congo, the democratic republic of Congo mining resources in these areas therefore failed to gain profit. A United Nations security council report, a lot of ore in the eastern border kingdom in Uganda and Burundi and Rwanda militia illegal mining and smuggling. It is estimated that the rwandan troops in less than 18 months, through the sale of coltan at least $250 million in revenues. This statement has been questioned, however, because also has its own tantalum ore in Rwanda, it is difficult to tell which is ore of smuggling.

Coltan smuggling has also been referred to as one of the main source of income for the Congolese warlord. For many, this lead to the similar ethical problems and conflict diamonds. Because is very difficult to distinguish between legal and illegal coltan, several electronics manufacturers decided to boycott all African coltan, instead using other coltan.

United Nations accused of smuggling of these three countries coltan ore bill eventually abandoned. The reference link below is a reporter Austria Klaus Werner records of multinational companies and coltan trading illegally

Also claims that coltan mining could seriously damage the local forest and wild animals, especially the survival of gorillas, destroy the natural environment.

Company Contact:

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Contact Name: Jingzheng
Company Name: Jinan Jingzheng Electronics Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: +86-0531-66956298
Fax: +86-531-88809907
Street Address: D201, 750 Shunhua Road,
Jinan High-tech Zone, Jinan 250101, P. R. China
Website: https://www.nanoln.com
Member name: Lnoi
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 04 January 2013
Total Leads: 277 Lnoi Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Single Crystal Lithium Niobate Thin Film, Lithium Niobate Thin Film, Thin Lithium Tantalite, Linbo3 Film, Lnoi
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