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The Importance Of Grease To Animal Feed Pellets

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 24 December 2019 6:55 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 28 October 2021 | Targeted Countries: Nigeria | India | Rwanda

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The feed pellet machine is a important machinery to make animal feed pellets, this article will introduce

the importance of grease to animal feed pellets.

No one doubts the importance of grease for the nutritional value of animal feed pellets, which has always been a very common feed ingredient used in feed. However, due to the large differences in the composition of fats and oils, this is a challenge to reasonable use grease to increase economic efficiency, improve animal economic performance and meat quality.

The Price Of Grease

If you can control the fluctuations of the raw material prices in your animal feed pellets industry, you can become the winner.

About 20% of soybean, rapeseed and palm oil products have entered the biodiesel industry all over the world. And the government has curbed demand for biodiesel in order to alleviate pressure from vegetable oil prices.

In the past few years, the increase in production has mainly come from rapeseed oil and palm oil, and the production levels of other oils have remained relatively stable. From a global perspective, the growth in demand for oil will become slow, but short-term volatility will still exist.

Quality Of Grease

The source of grease used in animal feed pellet is very broad, and a better understanding and proper evaluation of the quality of the oil (nutrition value and degree of oxidation) becomes critical. There are differences in nutritional value and degree of oxidation between different oil samples. There is a large difference between the true apparent metabolic energy of the oil and the theoretical value. Which makes the actual and theoretical energy levels of the feed differ by 50 Kcal/kg.

Similarly, there is a difference in the degree of oxidation between different greases. Oxidation of grease has an effect on the daily gain, feed intake, and feed conversion rate of animals. Antioxidants have been shown to effectively delay the oxidation of fats and ensure the quality of grease storage. We need to develop quality parameters for feed grease and monitor the nutritional value and degree of oxidation of the grease.

Effects Of Different Grease

Different greases have different effects on animal fat digestion and absorption. The degree of saturation of fats, the content of free fatty acids, the length of fatty acid chains, pollutants, and the location of fatty acids in the triglyceride will affect the nutritional value of the grease. And the growth stage of the same animal will also affect the nutritional value of the grease. Many other nutritional parameters also affect the digestion and absorption of greases, such as the level of calcium in the animal feed pellets.

Important Tools And Nutrient Regulators

In order to increase the digestibility of fat, we need to evaluate whether a nutrient regulator can play a role in the whole process of fat digestion and absorption. Including the emulsification of oils, the hydrolysis of oils, and the formation and absorption of chylomicrons.

Only hemolyzed soybean phospholipids can significantly enhance the entire digestion and absorption process (emulsification, hydrolysis, and absorption) of grease. Only taken into account the changes in the diet, the source of the fat in the feed formulation, the different feeding conditions, and the different growth stages of the animal. It is possible to significantly increase the digestion of crude fat and increase the apparent metabolic energy of the diet.

Animal Feed Pellets Quality And Meat Quality

Consumers have very high requirements for the freshness, taste, and quality of poultry. As consumers become more demanding and the market has moved from a fresh meat market to a convenience food market, these already prepared foods are becoming more and more important. As a result, the expected shelf life of meat has also changed.

In any case, quality control begins with the poultry feed pellets, and the feed given the ‘nutrition’ to the animal will ultimately significantly affect the meat quality of the poultry. The TBA value of the oxidative parameter in the thoracic muscle of the oxidized fat broiler was 30-50% higher than that of the fresh fat poultry. At the same time, the drip loss of poultry meat fed with oxidized fat and the oxidation parameter during storage were 30-50% higher than those of the positive oil group.

The grease has always been a very important ingredient in animal feed pellets. Whether the needed or importance of the nutritious. If we are familiar with affect factors of the grease quality and can well control, it can bring great profits to the animal feed pellets industry.

Choosing a suitable feed pellet machine and using it properly will significantly improve the quality of the feed. It will soon reflect a benign effect in the production process. If you can further master the technology of making animal feed pellets, you can also greatly reduce the cost of materials, thereby increasing profits.

Zhengzhou Fusmar Machinery specializes in the production of feed pellet machine, fish feed machine, wood pellet machine, charcoal briquette machine, and other machinery.

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Contact Name: Amy Yan
Company Name: Zhengzhou Fusmar Machinery Co., Ltd
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Tel: +8615838279423
Fax: +8615838279423
Street Address: No.45 Agricultural
Road, Jinshui District Zhengzhou,
Henan 450003 China
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Website: https://www.feedpelletmills.com
Member name: FusmarMachinery
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 28 May 2019
Total Leads: 216 FusmarMachinery Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Pellet Mill, Fish Feed Machine, Charcoal Briquette Machine
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