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Tråd El Spole Værktøj Sæt, Værktøj Sæt

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 11 May 2011 7:35 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 9 August 2012 |

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tråd el spole værktøj sæt

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Product Description:

Tråd el spole værktøj sæt, værktøj sæt

5pcs HSS Bor

5pcs HSS Intermediate tryk

5pcs Installation værktøj

5pcs Tang breaker

Med wire gevindindsatse - rustfrit stål M5/M6/M8/M10 20pcs M12 10stk

Company Contact:

cnemingmould photo
Contact Name: Miaofen Wang
Company Name: Shanghai Greatcutting Tools
Email: Email
Tel: 86-21-6-542168
Fax: 86-21-58821187
Street Address: No. 258 Yihua Road,
PucPudong, Shanghai, China 201201
Website: http://www.greatcutting.com
Member name: cnemingmould
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 01 June 2009
Total Leads: 746 cnemingmould Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Cutting Tools, Special Tools
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