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Tribulus Aquaticus

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 13 October 2011 7:29 am | Poster last visit: Friday 2 November 2012 |

Product Photo:

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Product Description:

we can offer from 10% Tribulus Aquaticus to 50% Tribulus Aquaticus.

Our main products are:

1. Plant

extract (more than 50 types):

Blueberry anthocyanin, arbutin, ursolic acid, oligomeric proanthocyanidines (OPC), capsicum red, capsaicin.

2. IQF fruit:

IQF lingonberry, IQF blueberry, IQF blackcurrant, IQF red raspberry.

3. Fruit concentrate:

Lingonberry concentrate, blueberry concentrate, blackcurrant concentrate.

4. Fruit powder:

Black currant powder, blueberry powder, lingonberry powder.

5. Natural colorant:

Blueberry anthocyanin, lingonberry red, capsanthin, lycopene, beta-carotene.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Candice Wang
Company Name: Zhongbei Northland Bio-Chem Industry Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-452-6197119
Fax: 86-452-6197939
Street Address: 5f, C Liandalijing
Bulding, No 259 Xinjiang Road,
Jianhua District, Qiqihaer City,
Heilongjiang Province, China, 161000.
Website: http://www.international-biz.com
Member name: ZhongbeiNorthlandBioCh
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 30 September 2011
Total Leads: 72 ZhongbeiNorthlandBioCh Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Pharmaceutical Chemicals
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