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Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 2 August 2010 10:33 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 26 October 2010 |

Product Category: Main » Food and Beverage Products » Seasonings and preservatives » Herbs and spices and extracts » Spices or extracts » Tribulus Terrestris Extract

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tribulus terrestris extract

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Product Description:

Tribulus terrestris Extract

Product Specification: 10-60%aponins, 20%protodioscin

Latin Name: Tribulus

terrestris L

Botanical Source: Fruit

What is Tribulus terrestris Extract?

Tribulus terrestris fruit, a kind of creepers with branches and mild hairs produced in yields, roadsides and weeds besides rivers all over China. Tribuloside extracted from the fruits can raise the blood testosterone, without any stimulin and improve the overall competitive ability without adverse effect.

What are Health Benefits?

It contain various kinds of alkaloids and saponins, protodioscin, which can decrease blood pressure and lipids. The peroxidase it contains can resist against aging and beautify the complexion. If you take it for a long time, it may remove the spots from your face and freshen the complexion.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Jerome Zhu
Company Name: Naturalin Bio-Resources Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: 86-731-84834151
Fax: 86-731-84834151
Street Address: A-1803, Times Pioneer,
No.98 Sifangping, Kaifuqu,
Changsha, Hunan, China 410003
Website: https://www.naturalinbio.com/
Member name: Naturalin
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 02 August 2010
Total Leads: 86 Naturalin Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Plant Extract Powder, Chinese Herb Extract, Tea, Tea Extract Powder
Chat: Chat with Suppliers
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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