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Uma Vez Cuff Nibp Uso

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Thursday 7 July 2011 9:31 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 7 July 2011 |

Product Photo:

uma vez cuff nibp uso

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Product Description:

Todos os tamanhos de manguito NIBP recém-nascido

Material: não tecido de pano com TPU / PVC revestimento

Temos tanto único tubo e tubo duplo.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Diana
Company Name: Pan-sw Med Corp
Email: Email
Tel: 86-20-28961025
Fax: 86-20-66630888-10020
Street Address: 183# Tianhe Bei Rd.,
Tianhe District, Guangzhou, China
Website: http://www.panswmed.com
Member name: DPansw
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 19 November 2010
Total Leads: 370 DPansw Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Ecg Cables, Ekg Cables, Spo2 Sensors, Spo2 Cables, Spo2 Adaptors, Ibp Products, Nibp Cuffs, Tubes, Transducers
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