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Want To Sell Luminescent Stones

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 28 April 2008 11:49 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 23 October 2008 |

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luminescent stones

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Daytime appearance and Night appearance



in the dark)ceramics and photoluminescent(Luminous,glowing

in the dark)glass are produced by adding photoluminescent(Luminous,glowing

in the dark)pigment in the producing process of common ceramics and glass . Compared to the common ceramics and glass , the products can glow in the dark after absorb the visible lights , this feature make ceramics and glass use more widely.

The material of the photoluminescent ceramics and glass can absorb various visible lights until saturated, then can glow in the dark constantly, unlimited recycle use with a long time after-glow, high lights, which is ten times brightly of the traditional luminescent material (sulfate). The material is free from radioactivity, nontoxic and harmless.

The low bright emergency lighting can guide people evacuate orderly under emergency and reduce confusion other than energy-saving.

The application of photoluminescent ceramics and glass in the domestic houses and public buildings can not only decorate and beauty the houses and working environment, but also can bring more conveniences to residents with its glow in the dark.

Photoluminescent ceramics and glass can release a certain length light wave, which can restrain some kinds of mildews and diseases. This characteristic meets the fashionable and healthy living ideology for modern people by application of the products into kitchen and bath room.

Photoluminescent ceramics and glass are corrosive-proof, friction resistance, fire retardant, aging resistance and free from radioactivity compared to other organic luminescent materials, which make it widely use in domestic houses and public buildings.

Company Contact:

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Contact Name: Feng Liu
Company Name: China, Foshan Dophome Photoluminescent Ceramic Company., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86 757-83201206
Fax: +86 757-83201206
Street Address: Rm 3108 Development
Building, Huayuan Rd, Foshan
City, China
Member name: Dophome
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 05 April 2008
Total Leads: 102 Dophome Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Photoluminescent Ceramic Tile, Glass Mosaic, Luminescent Signs, Photoluminescent Glass, Luminescent PVC Film, Luminescent Powder, Luminescent Tiles
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