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Warping Roller Din 81906

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Monday 19 November 2012 7:43 am | Poster last visit: Tuesday 14 April 2015 |

Product Photo:

warping roller din 81906

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Products Photos Catalog Warping Roller Din Photos Catalog

Product Description:

- various sizes can be provided

- produce acc. to customer's drawings

- with ABS, BV, CCS and other

specified certificates

We can provide various types of roller, including fairlead roller (1 column), double roller group, and warping roller.

Warping Roller DIN81906

1. steel material

2. single column

3. good quality

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Lowie Zhu
Company Name: Shanghai Empire International Trading Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-0523-84616192
Fax: 86-0523-84616196
Street Address: C#, 16th Floor,
International Trading Center,
Jingjiang City, Jiangsu Province,
China 214500
Member name: EmpireMarine
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 01 August 2012
Total Leads: 46 EmpireMarine Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Liferaft, Rescueboat, Windlass, Winch, Crane, Anchor, Chain, Bollard, Fairlead, Roller, Mooring Rope, Shackle, Chock, Rudder System, Marine Shafting
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