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Waterproof Abrasive Paper

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Wednesday 4 September 2019 5:44 am | Poster last visit: Thursday 31 October 2019 |

Product Category: Main » Manufacturing Components and Supplies » Grinding and polishing and smoothing materials » Abrasives and abrasive media » Abrasive papers » Waterproof Abrasive Paper

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waterproof abrasive paper

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Product Description:

Waterproof abrasive paper is coated abrasives, it's Silicon carbide and aluminum oxide grain is bonded

to the high-grade water-resistant paper base by Water-resistant adhesive in the procession of electrostatic sand-planting. then cured at a high temperature. The special sand planting technology and dense grain makes excellent cutting efficiency and longer life, and the special treated high-grade water-resistant paper base makes the Waterproof abrasive paper much more flexible. The product has fine scratches and excellent water and grease resistance. It is the best choice for water grinding and oil grinding.

Its grain includes P40 P60 P80 P100 P120 P150 P180 P220 P240 P280 P360 P400 P600 P800 P1000 P1200 P1500 P2000 P2500 P3000 P4000 P5000 P7000. it has silicon carbide waterproof abrasive paper, aluminum oxide waterproof abrasive paper, White fused alumina waterproof abrasive paper, RIKEN and RMC brand waterproof abrasive paper import the latex and kraft backing paper with the high-grade grains, It has good water resistance quality. RIKEN and RMC brand waterproof abrasive paper has 15% and 30% latex paper. The resin has phenolic resin and epoxy resin, Phenolic resin: Hard, wear-resistant and suitable price. Suitable for aggressive grinding and mainly used in machine sanding abrasive papers that have a requirement of aggressiveness, like dry sanding and belts, etc. Epoxy resin: Expensive, soft but not that tough and wear-resistant. Mainly used in hand sanding abrasive papers that have a requirement of softness.

Company Contact:

ziboriken photo
Contact Name: Guizhen Zhu
Company Name: Zibo Riken Mt Coated Abrasives Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: +86-533-7868013
Fax: 0533-7868079
Street Address: No.8, North Road,
New & High Industrial Zone,
Zibo, Shandong Zibo, Shandong 255086
Website: https://www.rikenmt.com
Member name: ziboriken
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 04 September 2019
Total Leads: 14 ziboriken Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Abrasive Paper, Sandpaper
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