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Woven Copper Wire 18 Mesh, 0.43mm Wire Dia

Posted at: Offers to Sell and Export | Posted on: Tuesday 25 February 2014 2:52 am | Poster last visit: Monday 17 March 2014 |

Product Category: Main » Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Accessories » Electrical wire and cable and harness » Electrical wire » Copper wire » Woven Copper Wire 18 Mesh, 0.43mm Wire Dia

Product Photo:

woven copper wire 18 mesh 0 43mm dia

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Products Photos Catalog Woven Copper Wire Mesh Photos Catalog

Product Description:

Material: Copper 99.99% (Alloy 101)

Mesh Size: 18x18

Wire Diameter: .017" (.43mm)

Opening Width: .039" (.99mm)

Open Area: 48.3%

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Sandy
Company Name: Web Wire Mesh Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86-311-89255081
Street Address: No.2701 Room,
Chengyuecheng, Sjz City, Hebei Of
Sjz City, Hebei 050000
Website: http://www.webwirecloth.com
Member name: WebWiremesh
Country: China-CN China
Member Since: 21 June 2013
Total Leads: 162 WebWiremesh Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Stainless Steel Wire Mesh, Cooper Wire Mesh, Knitted Wire Mesh, Expanded Metal, Perforated Metal
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