Product Description:
handmade oil painting,China hand-made oil-painting,hand made oilpainting,oil-paintings .
Oil Painting
offer,offer Low Price Oil Painting,offer hand painted oil painting .These oil paintings were made purely by hand by our outstanding painter.So our paintings color and language is very strong. Our traditional areas requested by the production of various types of high-quality customer exquisite oil paintings, the oil paintings are pure products from hand-drawn. We will in the international emerging markets to further develop high-quality,development low-cost products. "Changes products, the same quality," that is we will pursue the goal. Our own ability to create confidence in the future.
Quality : we are in pursuit of overall quality, depending on the overall quality of corporate lifeline. This requires that every company and every employee can be good at a collective understanding, prediction, or even exceed customer wishes. We have a complete set of strict management system products, and services will produce the entire process of continuous improvement and improved. Our history gives us in the market, in the production process, in the practice of management, products and services in general must be a breakthrough concept, it should be better.
Handmade oil painting typesil painting reproductions,original oil painting,canvas oil painting duplicating,hand painted oil paintings,photos into oil painting,Canvas replica,craft canvas portrait,handcraft oil painting replication,replica,
Kinds:portrait,Figure,landscape,flower,portrait,animal, classical,impression,modern ,Realistical,abstract,ornament,modern.
Attribute:China handmade oil painting
Honesty : Credibility is the foundation of our reputation, we will be honest and equal expectations and the attitude of every new and old customers work together, hand in hand, create great achievements.
Tel: 86 592 389 3030 (China)
FAX: 86 592 389 3030 Code:361009
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Jing Zhe
Company Name: Sun Bird Arts
Tel: 13074822628
Fax: 13074822628
Street Address: 137 Riverside
Street, Lowell, Ma 01854 Usa
Other Contact Info:
Contact Person: Miss Jing
Phone: 86-130-7482-2628
Add: Wushipu 117 , Huli , Xiamen 361009, Fujian , China
Skype: Sunbirdarts
Member name: Goldappleart
Member Since: 09 January 2008
Total Leads:
62 Goldappleart Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Custom Oil Portrait, Wholesale Oil Painting Global Online
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