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Laboratory Glassware

Posted at: Wanted International Agents and Distributors | Posted on: Tuesday 21 April 2009 6:26 am | Poster last visit: Friday 19 August 2011 |

Product Photo:

laboratory glassware

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Product Description:

Our company exports so many kinds of lab glassware and teaching aids.

We have glass tube, centrifuge

tube, test tube (with or without rim), stand ground mouth glassware, dropping bottle, reagent bottle, flask, boiling flask, volumetric flask, conical flask, filtering flask, mortar with pestle, pneumatic trough, crystallizing dish, standard funnel, alcohol lamp, beaker, separatory funnel, condenser, colorimeter tube, measuring pipette, distilling flask, gas collecting jar, gas generator, measuring cylinder etc.

Company Contact:

No member photo
Contact Name: Avrohi Saxena
Company Name: Supreme Enterprises
Email: Email
Tel: + 91 - 171 - 2651545 or 2651546
Fax: + 91 - 171 - 2652506
Street Address: 55, Rajendera Park
Ambala Cantt. - 133001 Haryana,
Member name: avrohi
Country: India-IN India
Member Since: 17 April 2009
Total Leads: 3 avrohi Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Scientific, Laboratory Equipment, Glassware, School Equipment, Microscopes, Laboratory Chemicals
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