Product Description:Our company is leader in phytotherapy (healing through plants) and food supplements in Spain. Integrated
in the company we also have a pharmaceutical division (Homeosor) and an organic food division (Alecosor), manufacturing and distributing a product portfolio of more than 700 different products. Manufacturing also for private labels.
Our success is mainly based on a rigorous quality control and also in a high investment in research and innovation.
Within our expansion policy, we are very interested in introducing our products in new markets and therefore we would very much appreciate if you let us know your interest and possibilities for distributing our products on regional or national level. Please feel free to ask for further information about our company and products. You can also check our web site.
Thanking you in advance for your time, we look forward to hear from you.
With my best regards,
Company Contact:
Contact Name: Hans Buysrogge
Company Name: Soria Natural
Tel: +34 975 252 046
Street Address: La Sacea, 1 42162
Soria, Spain
Member name: sorianatural
Member Since: 02 June 2010
Total Leads:
1 sorianatural Import Export Business Leads
Business focus: Herbal Medicine, Organic Food, Phytotherapy
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