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Abcorpexports - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: Abcorpexports
Member since: 11 January 2008 (17 years 1 months 15 days 23 hours 22 minutes 54 seconds)
Country: India-IN India
Website: http://www.asianseafoodcorp.com
Occupation/Title: Partner
Business/Product: Fresh, Frozen Seafood, Frozen Shrimps, Cuttlefish, Squid, Octopus, Yellowfin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Long Tail Tuna, Indian Mackerel, Sardine

Contact Name: Asian Seafood Corporation
Company Name: Mohamed Saud
Email: Email
Tel: +91 9895 449344, +91 99950 80014
Fax: +91 484 4043141
Street Address: Jew Tow,
Fort Cochin, Kerala, India
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 5 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

Trade Leads:

Import Export Lead
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B2B Forum

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tiger shrimps hoso hlso pud pd butterfly cut interested overseas buyers please feel free to contact us with sizes packing port of destinati....
Saturday 12 January 2008 6:26 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Sardine Sardinella Longiceps
sardine sardinella longiceps w r hg hgt size 20 40 40 60 60 80 80 up interested overseas buyers please feel free to cotact us with sizes ....
Saturday 12 January 2008 6:06 am
Offers to Sell and Export

No product photos were provided
dear sir madam we are looking for regular supplier of cuttlefish whole round size 300 500 500 700 700 1000 1000 up squid whole round siz...
Saturday 12 January 2008 6:00 am
Wanted International Suppliers and Manufacturers

dear sir madam right now we can supply you cuttlefish whole cleaned size u 1 1 2 2 4 5 7 8 12 10 20 20 40 cuttlefish whole round s...
Saturday 12 January 2008 5:36 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Yellowfin Tuna, Skipjack Tuna, Long Tail Tuna
tuna w r g amp amp g hgt size 4 10 kg 10kg up skipjack tuna w r size 1 8kg up longtail tuna w r size 4 10 kg 10kg up
Friday 11 January 2008 5:11 pm
Offers to Sell and Export

Page: 1

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