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bjrheatingproducts - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: bjrheatingproducts
Member since: 13 September 2023 (1 years 5 months 8 days 11 hours 33 minutes 19 seconds)
Country: China-CN China
Website: http://www.bjrheatingproducts.com
Occupation/Title: Manager
Business/Product: Electric Blanket, Heated Throw, Heating Pad

Contact Name: Lorna Wang
Company Name: Shijiazhuang Beijiren Electric Appliance Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: +86 0311 8856 1398
Street Address: South Of Sanyuan
Road, North Of Changqing Road, East
Of Xingye Street, Xinle Economic
Development Zo
Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050700
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 5 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

Trade Leads:

Import Export Lead
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B2B Forum

Electric Blanket Switches With 3 Heat Settings Led Indicator Overcurrent
electric blanket switches with 3 heat settings led indicator overcurrent product description usage for electric under blanket temperature setting ....
Wednesday 13 September 2023 6:59 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Faux Fur Luxurious Electric Heated Throw Blanket Soft And Fluffy Blankets
faux fur luxurious electric heated throw blanket soft and fluffy blankets product description during the colder months beijiren heated throw is an ....
Wednesday 13 September 2023 6:57 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Double Sided Extremely Soft Flannel Fleece Heated Throw
sided extremely soft flannel fleece heated throw product description 1 premium flannel fleece there are several uses for heated throws in the home ....
Wednesday 13 September 2023 6:55 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Single Controller Rechargeable Polar Fleece Electric Blankets
controller rechargeable polar fleece electric blankets product description polar fleece electric blankets which with soft and skin friendly fabric ....
Wednesday 13 September 2023 6:54 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Polyester Single Electric Blanket For Promotion
polyester single electric blanket for promotion product description single electric blankets which suits for students who want to keep cosy in winte....
Wednesday 13 September 2023 6:54 am
Offers to Sell and Export

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