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caledonianltd - Import Export Business Profile
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Member name: caledonianltd Member since: 18 September 2015 (9 years 5 months 7 days 17 hours 0 minutes 41 seconds) Country: Hong Kong Website:https://www.caledonian-cables.co.uk Occupation/Title: Market Business/Product: Cables, Power Cables, Control Cables, Fire Resistant Cables
Contact Name: Rainbow
Company Name: Caledonian Cables Ltd
Tel: 852-21161040
Fax: 852-21161041
Street Address: 1/f Cma Building 64
Connaught Road Central
Hongkong, Hongkong 999077
Hong Kong
Total Leads: 14 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
core cables are designed for distribution of electrical power with nominal voltage uo u ranging from 3 6 6 6kv to 19 33kv and frequency 50hz
they ar....
l2 bus components this cable is an economical solution for the cell and field area for the information exchange between different automation systems....
core cables are designed for distribution of electrical power with nominal voltage uo u ranging from 3 8 6 6kv to 19 33kv and frequency 50hz
they ar....
cables are used as airfield lighting equipment primary cables for the series circuit connecting the constant current regulators and the isolating tran....
cables are designed for installation mostly in power supply stations indoors and in cable ducts outdoors underground and in water as well as for in....
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