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hycsystembella - Import Export Business Profile
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Member name: hycsystembella Member since: 25 November 2019 (5 years 2 months 20 days 2 hours 28 minutes 59 seconds) Country: China Website:https://www.hyc-system.com Occupation/Title: Marketing Business/Product: Fiber Optic Connector, Adapter, Wdm, Plc Splitter, Mems Optical Switch
Contact Name: Bella Tse
Company Name: Hyc Co., Ltd
Tel: 07551489797
Street Address: Longhua District ,
Shenzhen City Shenzhen, Act 518000
Total Leads: 2 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
pm patch cord as a representative special product will usher in a larger market demand in order to cope with the market development hyc independentl....
fiber optic wdm optical network
cwdm coarse wavelength division multiplexing is a standardized wdm technology that uses up to 20 different waveleng....
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optical switch in the optical signal function on and off in fiber or waveguide path it will ....
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