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maxinpack - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: maxinpack
Member since: 20 August 2018 (6 years 6 months 6 days 2 hours 33 minutes 33 seconds)
Country: China-CN China
Website: https://www.maxinpack.com
Occupation/Title: Manager
Business/Product: Vacuum Shrink Bag, Barrier Shrink Bag, Thermoforming Film

Contact Name: Sandy
Company Name: Suzhou Maxpack Co., Ltd
Email: Email
Tel: 86-0512-68365998
Fax: 86-0512-68360918
Street Address: No.59 Shuangjing
Street, Weiting Town, Sip, Suzhou,
Jiangsu, China
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215021
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 15 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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B2B Forum

High Barrier Thermoforming Film For Frozen Meat
barrier thermoforming film for frozen meat thermoforming film width  150 2 600mm thickness  30 300 amp #956 m color  transparent or nontransparen....
Monday 20 August 2018 6:01 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Barrier Thermoforming Film For Seafood
barrier film high barrier thermoforming film for seafood thermoforming film width  150 2 600mm thickness  30 300 amp #956 m color  transparent o....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:58 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Middle Barrier Thermoforming Film
barrier thermoforming film thermoforming film for cheese and sausage thermoforming film width  150 2 600mm thickness  30 300 amp #956 m color  t....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:56 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Middle Barrier Film For Fresh Or Frozen Meat
barrier film middle barrier film for fresh or frozen meat thermoforming film width  150 2 600mm thickness  30 300 amp #956 m color  transparent ....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:55 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Barrier Thermoforming Film
barrier film high barrier thermoforming film thermoforming film width  150 2 600mm thickness  30 300 amp #956 m color  transparent or nontranspa....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:54 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Barrier Bag For Meat With Bone
barrier bag for meat with bone high barrier shrink packaging barrier shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:53 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Barrier Bag For Processed Meat
barrier bag for processed meat barrier bag barrier shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:52 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Middle Barrier Film For Shrimp Or Crab
barrier bag for tuna loin middle barrier film for shrimp or crab barrier shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 6....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:51 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Barrier Bag For Meat
barrier bag for meat high barrier bag barrier shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s requ....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:50 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Barrier Shrink Packaging
barrier bag for meat barrier shrink packaging barrier shrink packaging supplier thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm leng....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:48 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Plastic Food Packaging Lidding Film
food packaging lidding film vacuum shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s requirement 120....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:46 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Middle Barrier Film
barrier film vacuum shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s requirement 1200mm colors tra....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:45 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Barrier Vacuum Shrink Bag
barrier vacuum shrink bag vacuum shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s requirement 1200m....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:44 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Shrink Bag For Meat
shrink bag for turkey shrink bag for meat vacuum shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s ....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:43 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Vacuum Bag For Food
bag for duck vacuum bag for food vacuum shrink packaging thickness  50 amp #65374 140um width  100mm amp #65374 650mm length  client`s requireme....
Monday 20 August 2018 5:41 am
Offers to Sell and Export

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Directory: TradersCity.com - Members Directory - maxinpack

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