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metallizer - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: metallizer
Member since: 28 January 2014 (11 years 0 months 18 days 23 hours 27 minutes 32 seconds)
Country: China-CN China
Occupation/Title: Marketing Manager
Business/Product: Metalizing, Coating, Pvd, Deposition, Sputtering, Plasma
Member Photo Logo
Contact Name: Alex Li
Company Name: China Guangdong Pvd Metallizer Co.
Email: Email
Tel: 86-758-2806393
Street Address: No.1 Duanzhou Road,
Zhaoqing, Guangdong, China Zhaoqing,
Guangdong 526000 China
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 23 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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B2B Forum

Devanadas Metalizadoras Mediante Sputtering O Evaporacion Termal
metalizadoras mediante sputtering o evaporacion termal la devanada metalizadora a alto vacío es especialmente diseñado para el revestimiento de alumi....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:13 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Metalizadora Mediante Sputtering Para Llantas De Automovil
metalizadora mediante sputtering para llantas de automovil el metalizadora por sputter al alto vacío es un equipo especialmente diseñado para la recu....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:12 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Metalizadora Mediante Sputtering Recubrimiento
mediante sputtering recubrimiento los equipos de sputter metalización de magnetrón a vacío es una técnica renovada de revestimento con ventajas de re....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:11 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Pvd Metalizadora De Arco Catodico De Gran Tamaño
pvd metalizadora de arco catodico de gran tamaño pretende depositar varias capas metálicas y películas aleadas o películas compuestas por tecnología ....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:08 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Pvd Metalizadora De Arco Catodico
pvd metalizadora de arco catodico estos equipos de metalización estan diseñados para utilizar la tecnología avanzada del plasma combinando la técnic....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:07 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Horizontal Metalizadora Optica De Haz Electronico
horizontal metalizadora optica de haz electronico para metalizar óptica de la película o película decorativos o funcionales en la película de product....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:06 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Metalizadora Optica De Haz Electronico
optica de haz electronico este equipo esta especialmente diseñada con su compartimiento de revestimiento hecho del acero inoxidable para las varias m....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:05 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Cadena De Deposicion Mediante Sputtering Para Vidrio De Ito
cadena de deposicion mediante sputtering para vidrio de ito la cadena de deposición utiliza dos ordenadors industriales y sistemas plc para mostrar d....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:03 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Cadena De Deposicion Mediante Sputtering Para Vidrio De Baja Emisividad
cadena de deposicion mediante sputtering para vidrio de baja emisividad adoptando el principio de la pulverización de magnetrón esta cadena de depos....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:02 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Linea De Produccion Para Panel De Aislamiento Al Vacio Vip / Stp
de continua produccion horizontal para panel de aislamiento al vacio vip stp nuestra compañía produce varios modelos de línea de producción para pane....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 11:01 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Metalizadoras Al Vacio Por Evaporacion Termal
alizadoras al vacio por evaporacion termal con puertas dobles vertical o horizontal tipos la metalizadora por evaporación caliente opera por el pri....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:59 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Complete Production Line For Amorphous Silicon Photovoltaic Solar Cell
line for amorphous silicon photovoltaic solar cell complete production line for amorphous silicon photovoltaic solar cell is mainly applicable for th....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:57 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Magnetron Sputtering Rolling Metallizer
magnetron sputtering rolling metallizer high vacuum rolling coater is specially designed equipment for coating aluminium films or oxidant compound fi....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:51 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Sputter Coater For Car Hubcap Metalizing
coater for car hubcap metalizing high vacuum magnetron sputtering coater is specially designed for automobile amp amp motorcycle hubcap coating or ....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:46 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Magnetron Sputtering Coaters
sputtering coaters magnetron sputtering vacuum coater is an updated sputtering coating technique with advantages of high sputtering speed lower temp....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:45 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Large-scale Cathodic Arc Pvd Coater
scale cathodic arc pvd coater aim to deposit various metal layers and alloyed films or compound films by reactive coating technology on large sized ....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:34 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Cathodic Arc Pvd Metallizer
arc pvd metallizer this equipment is designed to use advanced plasma technology combining technique of electric arc discharging with magnetron sputt....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:30 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Horizontal E-beam Optical Coaters
horizontal e beam optical coaters to coat optical film or decorative film or functional film on large sized substrate products such as glass or plast....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:25 am
Offers to Sell and Export

E-beam Optical Coater
beam optical coater this equipment is specially designed machine with its vacuum chamber made of stainless steel for coating various multi layers tr....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:24 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Azo Transparent Conductive Coating Line
azo transparent conductive coating line brief introduction the horizontal vertical continuous magnetron sputtering azo film coating line designed t....
Tuesday 28 January 2014 10:21 am
Offers to Sell and Export

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