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secukey - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: secukey
Member since: 25 March 2014 (10 years 11 months 24 days 8 hours 41 minutes 53 seconds)
Country: China-CN China
Website: https://www.secukey.net
Occupation/Title: Sales
Business/Product: Access Control, Proximity Reader, Keypad Reader, Fingerprint Access Control, Time Attendance

Contact Name: Windy Liu
Company Name: Secukey Technology Co., Ltd.
Email: Email
Tel: 8675526795455
Street Address: Floor 5, Building
13, Longbi Industrial Park, Dafa
Road, Bantian Subdistrict, Longgang
District, Shenzhen, China.
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 21 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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Import Export Lead
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B2B Forum

Mini Master Controller For Single Door Sboard
mini single door controller wiegand 26 37 bits input 1000 users user data can be transferred operating temperature 40c 60c 40f 140f
Tuesday 25 March 2014 8:43 am
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