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SoleSo - Import Export Business Profile
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Member name: SoleSo
Member since: 03 December 2009 (15 years 0 months 19 days 12 hours 44 minutes 31 seconds)
Country: Brazil
Website: https://www.soleso.com.br
Occupation/Title: Manager
Business/Product: Bikinis, Swinwaer, Beachwear
Contact Name: Roberta Bonini
Company Name: Sol & Só
Tel: 551691012546
Fax: 551639023161
Street Address: Avenida Santa
Luzia, 508 Sumaré Cep: 14025-100
Ribeirão Preto - SP
Total Leads: 1 Trade Leads
Safe Import Export Tips
Import Export Lead
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B2B Forum
all sizes those swimwears are made whith rosset lycra
with you are interesting in this product please let us know
you can see ot....
Thursday 3 December 2009 8:16 pm
Offers to Sell and Export
Similar Import Export Leads From other members: Bikinis, Swinwaer, Beachwear
brazilian swimwear swimwear beachwear
our designer swimwears and swimsuits are 100% made in brazil and available in the finest retail stores in over 25 countries some characteristics....oit
Thursday 23 April 2009 4:47 pm
posted by: lindoneto
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