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yuanhangmachinery - Import Export Business Profile
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Member name: yuanhangmachinery Member since: 20 February 2016 (8 years 12 months 22 days 2 hours 55 minutes 31 seconds) Country: China Website:http://www.yuanhangmachinery.com Occupation/Title: Manager Business/Product: Brick Machine, Block Machine
Contact Name: Silvia
Company Name: Gongyi Yuanhang Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd.
Tel: 8637185669181
Fax: 86-371-85669181
Street Address: 2nd Floor, #37
Building, Wanyang International
Gongyi, Henan 451200
Total Leads: 1 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips
brick light weight block is the light and porous building material it has light weight keep temperature fire resistant and other advantages it can ....
machine can be fit with the block stacker as the simple production line it is a simple production line with certain production scale and suitable for....
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