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zhengrun - Import Export Business Profile

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Member name: zhengrun
Member since: 31 August 2012 (12 years 6 months 2 days 5 hours 6 minutes 21 seconds)
Country: China-CN China
Occupation/Title: Manager
Business/Product: Metal Forming Machine, Cold Roll Forming Machine, Pipe Welding Machine, Electric Power Tools, Duct Rod, Cable Roller, Duct Rodder, Cable Drum Stands
Member Photo Logo
Contact Name: Harry
Company Name: Bazhou Zhengrun Machine Comany
Email: Email
Tel: +86-15103161189
Fax: +86-0316-7852262
Street Address: 112 Road, Bazhou,
Hebei, China
Chat: Chat with Suppliers  
Total Leads: 33 Trade Leads
Verify: Safe Import Export Tips

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B2B Forum

Cold Roll Former
cold roll forming machine cold roll former cold forming machine roll forming line bazhou zhengrun machine manufacture company our factory is main....
Friday 31 August 2012 4:37 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Wall Duct Rod
wall duct rod 4 fiberglass core 5 polypropylene coat 6 wear resistand there are two size diameter of duct rod 4 5mm and 6 0mm 4 5mm duct rod....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:53 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Roll Duct Rodders
roll duct rod 1 fiberglass core 2 polypropylene coat 3 wear resistand there are six size diameter of duct rod 10mm 11mm 12mm 13mm 14mm 15....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:52 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Link Cable Corner Roller
cable corner roller corner roller using two vertical and one horizontal roller for taking heaviest cable round the difficult corners the frame is....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:50 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Heavy Duty Cable Rollers
duty designed for cable diameter up to 125mm steel frame fitted large waisted steel roller running on sealed ball bearings base size 350mm x 230m....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:48 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Ground Cable Roller Ytcr0001
ground cable roller designed for on ground laying cable which could fastening special place light weight assembly for up 75mm steel frame with al....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:47 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Cable Drum Standing
cable drum jack application applied in the supporting of cable drum with trapezoidal structure it can be applied in different kinds of reel specif....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:46 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Hydraulic Cable Drum Jacks
hydraulic pressure cable pay off stand detailed description during line construction puts aside the cable coil descending and ascending are flexib....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:41 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Trapezoid Cable Pay-off Stand
trapezoid cable pay off stand detailed description to put cable coil unleash an aerial cable you can adjust the altitude of course you can custom....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:41 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Cable Drum Stands 3ton, 5ton, 8ton
cable drum stands cable jacks cable drum stands detailed description to put cable coil unleash an aerial cable you can adjust the altitude of c....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:39 am
Offers to Sell and Export

High Heavy Cable Rollers
heavy roller general designed for reinforced steel tube for it added facility of being able to place same over a cable up to 130mm already laid in ....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:35 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Nylon Cable Laying Rollers Yt014
nylon cable roller straight line ytcr0001 ground cable roller designed for on ground laying cable which could fastening special place light weig....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:34 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Aluminum Cable Roller
aluminum cable roller rated load 10kn 10 8 of nylon roller construction special design to the hole of mouth of conduit weight 12kg applicati....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:31 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Steel Cable Rollers, Cast-iron Cable Roller
steel cable rollers cast iron cable roller cable roller detailed description uses in the cable changing the direction place protection cable not t....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:30 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Galvanize Cable Rollers
galvanize cable rollers galvanize frame rollers divides into according to the material quality alloy wheels and mc nylon wheels type tubular and....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:28 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Corner Roller, Three Cable Rollers
corner roller thrcorner roller frames of corner rollers are linked together with stake pins to form a suitable bend to guide cables around the corner....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:25 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Heavy Cable Laying Roller
cable laying roller is used for laying electric power cable from the huge cable drum on the cable drum stands place protection cable not to wear pla....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:23 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Staight Cable Roller
cable roller cable laying roller corner rollers we could supply cable roller with nylon and aluminium alloy cable roller which used for laying cabl....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:21 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Frp Rods
frp rods polyethylene cover material medium density polyethylene resin for the insulating and jacketing of telecommunication cables property da...
Friday 31 August 2012 3:17 am
Offers to Sell and Export

Steel Fiberglass Rod
steel fiberglass rod steel frp rod duct rod duct rodders technical data of duct rodders 1 reinforce fiberglass core property data and value re....
Friday 31 August 2012 3:16 am
Offers to Sell and Export

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